Monday 11 August 2008

Modern Hermit: Goodbye Facebook

Today, I closed my Facebook account. I untagged all my pictures, deleted all my mail, wall posts, and finally... my friends. I felt like I was hopping on a boat to a desert island!

I feel relieved. No more compulsive Facebook-checking, no more worrying about what kinds of pictures of me others will post and tag, no more keeping track of this parallel universe, where so many things are happening with real life consequences...

I feel deprived. For all the reasons above, I feel like I lost a 6th sense: that of reading the TV guide summary of my friend's soap opera version of their lives.

Maybe I'm a modern hermit. I don't want 100 friends. Actually, even 20 or 30 is quite a big number for me ... I would rather have a few, but close friends. But on Facebook, quantity seems to prevail over quality.

I also have secrets. Certain things are not meant to be known by certain people. I'm not a secret agent, but I enjoy a level of privacy that is a little hard to maintain on Facebook. With friends posting things that their friends (not mine) can read and see ...

So, goodbye Facebook. I resisted you for two years, then gave you a chance. Now I'm leaving you ...

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